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Movement instructor and body therapist, I use techniques with body movements and BIOCONNECTION (body and mind connection), as tools to bring well-being and improve quality of life.

I help people identify the source of their physical and emotional illnesses. We can eliminate bad habits, promote health and well-being.

At age 11, was diagnosed by medical specialistis, I was doomed to lose the ability to walk, and that my case required a series of surgeries. It was at this moment when I instinctively came to trust the BODY's natural intelligence.

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I see many people in my work as a personal trainer, and over the years I notice that it is possible to choose our feelings and consequently let go of the pain, what everyone has been looking for, isn't it?

On this journey, I got to know BIOCONNECTION, a method created by PHD Leandro Heck Gemeo, with the aim of transcending emotional and physical pain. It is a method that reconnects us to our true essence.

I realised that through this technique, we are able to retrieve important information about ourselves, which impact who we are today.

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Movement provides fluidity in body and mind. BODY CONNECTION is a tool that brings physical activity, exercises combined with assertive movements, which unblock joints, brings strength, self-confidence, physical and emotional independence.

By choosing to put your body in motion with my BODY CONNECTION program, you will have a connection between the body and mind, you will know how to identify the cause of the problem and solve it with excellence and speed.

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  • Clay Teixeira
    During the lockdown I went through some delicate personal moments in my life. My days were gray, I felt insecure and unhappy in my professional and love life. That's when I decided to look for help! I got to know bioconnection through a cousin who had already had some bioconnection sessions. Through her I was introduced to Leandro where I had an online facial reading appointment. And soon after he introduced me to Fernanda so we could continue my treatment with the bioconnection method. There were 5 amazing sessions. With Fernanda's professional help and patience, I was able to work on expanding my consciousness and action that took me to imaginable places that were very important for me to discover some of the roots of my sufferings. I discovered that some of my behaviors were linked to past beliefs that for decades had been Inhabited in me. I also discovered that every action was connected with knowledge, experience that was acquired or passed on to me. Today after the Bioconnection sessions I can say that I feel safer and more aware of my behaviors and feelings. It's like I'm closer to myself. I can better understand “my Self” and the people around me. All this has led me to conquer my ideals in a lighter way without barriers and suffering. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to get to know bioconnection and all these professionals involved. Thank you so much for introducing me to the power of this universe.
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    Clay Teixeira
  • Israel Simões Jr.
    After excruciating pain in the cervical region I discovered the bioconnection with Fernanda. But what did I discover with the bioconnection? Something simple!!! With bioconnection we can change the way we understand our thinking. From there, we can change what we feel. Having control over our thoughts is not something abstract or even theoretical, but it is fully possible and real. Bioconnection provides us with this instrument for recoding our way of thinking. Behind physical pain, there may be layers of thoughts/triggers that reverberate in the body. Bioconnection reveals these submerged layers for a better understanding of what is so close, but invariably far from ourselves. We know that the distance between the head (rational) and the heart (emotional) can be greater than the distance between heaven and earth. Bioconnection has the power to bring them together, especially when we find a serious and committed professional like Fernanda.
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    Israel Simões Jr.
  • Natalina
    I came here to talk about what Bioconnection represents in my life. I can say it connected me with myself, but on a higher level (my true self). It made me see and overcome fears, phobias, lack of self-love, and guilt, among other things. It made me see my knowledge acquired in this current life is implanted in me in a very negative way, I felt a lot of guilt and the strange thing was that sometimes I couldn't identify why. Bioconnection made me see the events that led me to feelings to be transmuted and freed myself from them. From the first session I felt an improvement in my life, but what led me to this was mainly to take the actions that I had determined to myself in Bioconnection session. My sessions with Fernanda were simply wonderful, she is an excellent professional, what impressed me was that day after the session, she followed up if I had completed the actions and that was great because it makes me more attentive to comply and that was fundamental to my self-knowledge. My results were great. I'm grateful Fernanda. Bioconnection is for you to seek the truth about yourself in an integral way, far beyond this current life. I love Bioconnection. ❤
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  • Ganga A.
    My dear Fern I would like to give you some feedback on how you are caring for us through TripleA. You help us keep focusing on our exercises. This way no time is lost in unnecessary chitchats. Your demonstrations and explanations help us follow you as much as possible. You also insist on observing our own limits, You ask us to let you know if there is any problem. It is serious work but you are witty and you put smiles on our face many times From what I have heard from the group everyone is delighted with your teaching and hoping you will stay on for a long time. Look forward to seeing you soon. Thanks Fern
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    Ganga A.
  • Sylvia Mead
    Fernanda, I would just like you to know how much I enjoy your classes. When I get home from a lesson I always feel as though I have moved every part of my body. You are an amazing teacher not only that, you have a great sense of humour which adds the fun to the classes.
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    Sylvia Mead
  • Agnes Espineda
    The exercises has benefitted me considerably. My waistline is now 32 instead of 34 inches, my upper arm is shaping up quite well and many commented about it, I am more fit and I do not suffer shortness of breath as I climb up and down our very steep driveway in Khandallah, I feel good and never thought I will enjoy going to the gym than my regular swimming! Feedback 1.You are a highly focused trainer and shares the psychology of thinking positively for results 2. You emphasise always the importance of correct techniques and very professional in the way you communicate and engage with your client. 3. Your ability to engaged is excellent 4. You are tough yet gentle in your ways and always engages in positive feedback! 5.You have incorporated the importance of a stretch routine into my programme. 6. You are respected by your peers and past clients. 7. Most of all you are fun! I plan to continue my programme and with your guidance I am sure I will achieve my fitness goal. Best wishes of the season Fernanda!
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    Agnes Espineda
  • Marlene Ribeiro
    I was diagnosed in 2007 with spondyloarthrosis, the doctor told me that there was no solution for this problem, not even surgery, also told me that I would soon be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I got into a hole and couldn't get out. Fernanda showed me alternatives, she taught me how to meditate, do continuous physical exercises and even exercises with the mind. I'm still standing today and with good prospects for the future, before that I used to be stuck and have constant visits to the emergency room. Today I say, she didn't cure me, but she prolonged my life.
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    Marlene Ribeiro
  • Chris Frentz
    Fernanda has been training me for running and swimming for nearly two years; in the gym, in the pool and outside. She is highly competent and also incredibly inventive and encouraging. She can adapt sessions and programmes to injuries and changes in my mood and objectives. I always have fun and always feel extended when I work with her. She is helping me achieve lifetime goals. For a woman in her mid-fifties, that’s empowering.
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    Chris Frentz
  • Brian A.
    After 30 years of being hunched over a desk I am now standing taller; improved  my flexibility, particularly in the upper torso and shoulders; lost fat and put on muscle; gained strength and increased fitness. One other side effect is an improvement in my sleeping patterns.  I now wake up refreshed rather than suffering from only two to three hours of sleep. As a trainer she demonstrates the correct techniques for using gym equipment – important because incorrect use does not achieve the desired goals and can possibly lead to injury; adopts alternative approaches if some exercises don’t seem to be working; constantly encourages you to push yourself, while stressing the need not to overdo it; maintains a sense of humour – "getting fit should be enjoyed not feared". I am grateful for what she has done for me so far and know that she will be an integral part of my fitness journey for some time to come.
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    Brian A.
  • Daniela Ribeiro
    Before the sessions of Bioconnection, I had a lot of questions about seeing my parents' traces on me. This bothered me a lot. There were attitudes and behaviors from my parents that I didn't accept, and I often judged. I knew it reflected who I am,  so I judge myself very hard and because of that. The self-judgments were strong and merciless. When I let my superconsciousness take me where I needed to go, I was able to understand why things happened and how they happened, in this way I was able to reframe my feelings, bringing a more realistic look at why I have these feelings and how I can change them. Making an analogy to define what happened during and after the sessions: I found where my ground was obstructed, I cleaned all the dirt, I fertilized the land and I planted. Now I am letting the seeds grow and the harvest is taking its course.
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    Daniela Ribeiro

By choosing to put your body in motion with my BODY CONNECTION program, you will have a connection between the body and mind, you will know how to identify the cause of the problem and solve it with excellence and speed.

Talk to Fernanda
Hello. I'm Fernanda.

If you're not familiar with my Personal training plans yet, don't worry. I'll assist you starting with an Anamnesis that I'll send shortly, and I'll recommend the best Plan for your current situation. Always with the main goal of your Well-being. 🥰